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    Healthcare Designed With You In Mind

    Save Up To 50% with our Affordable Faith-Based Health Care Options

    Christian Healthcare Ministry


    Our Health Care Memberships Offer Everything You Need.

    Complete the form below and an enrollment specialist will get in touch to help find the right Program for you. Or, call us at 855-459-1150 to chat now!

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    With better Programs.


    With two different OneShare Health Programs to choose from, you don’t have to worry about a complicated health care choice! Find your perfect fit and enjoy the quality care you’ve come to expect from our Christian health ministry.

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    OneShare Catastrophic Sharing Program

    Contributions as low as

    OSH 2023 Catastrophic Pricing

    per month
    *Contributions will vary based on state, Member’s age, Demographics, Program, and Tier.

    Included in Program

    • check-icon-2Membership Discounts
      Including Vison & Dental
    • check-icon-2Emergency Care for Life's
      Unexpected Events
    • check-icon-224/7 Telemedicine at No Additional Cost
    • check-icon-2Mental Health Support at No Cost
    • check-icon-2Freedom to Choose Any Doctor
    • check-icon-2Next-Day Active Dates
    Get Quote
    OneShare Catastrophic Sharing Program

    Contributions as low as

    OSH 2023 Classic Pricing

    per month
    *Contributions will vary based on state, Member’s age, Demographics, Program, and Tier.

    Included in Program

    • check-icon-2All Catastrophic services
      including these additional features
    • check-icon-2Comprehensive Preventive
    • check-icon-2Maternity Sharing Eligible
    • check-icon-2Unlimited Specialist Visits
    • check-icon-2Primary Care Doctor
    • check-icon-2Urgent Care Visits
    Get Quote

    Membership Highlights

    rx Prescriptions
    map-icon Mental Health
    provider-icon Doctor Visits
    er-care-icon Emergency Care
    dentle-icon Dental & Vision
    telemed-icon Virtual Urgent Care (Telemedicine)
    lab-and-diagnostic Lab & Diagnostics
    hospital Hospital & Surgery

    *Discount Services vary by state and are not owned or operated by OneShare Health, LLC. Members in Washington state are eligible for the state's WPDP Discount Card through the Washington State HCA.

    See What Our Members are Saying


    See More Reviews
    They went above and beyond in taking care of me and my family. So many company's are vultures and use predatory sales tactics to close a deal. Zero pressure from this group. I'll be recommending to friends and family.
    Heather Jones
    I joined OneShare Health after my parents had to take me off their plan. I couldn’t afford my own health plan on a server’s pay - especially during covid. Did some digging about a month before my parents had to cut ties and found OneShare Health. I’m paying around $105 a month, and I’m happy with my service.
    Kellen McDonald
    As a Christian and a consumer, I cannot tell you what a joy it was to find a solution for my wife's Healthcare needs. I feel very blessed that our Lord directed me to OneShare and would highly recommend it for those seeking a healthcare solution for themselves or their loved ones.
    Jay Greene

    Frequently Asked Questions


    • Who is OneShare Health?

      OneShare Health is a medical cost-sharing family that welcomes, invites, and unites those who agree with our core biblical principles relating to life, health, and caring for others, as evidenced in our shared Statement of Beliefs.

    • What if my doctor is not in the Provider Locator?

      Members are not required to use a network Provider, but you could end up with additional sharing responsibility if you choose an out-of-network Provider. Contact Member Support at (855) 699-1274 so we can help you avoid getting stuck with a balance bill from your out-of-network Provider.

    • What is a Health Care Sharing Ministry?

      Health ​Care Sharing Ministries are organizations that facilitate the sharing of health care costs among individual Members who have common ethical or religious beliefs.  

      • Members of Health Care Sharing Ministries are exempt from the individual mandate requirement of the U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("ACA"). The individual shared responsibility provision ("individual mandate") of the ACA was repealed in December 2017, effective in 2019.
      • This means members of Health Care Sharing Ministries are not required to have insurance as outlined in the individual mandate of the ACA. However, you may wish to consult your legal advisor regarding any relevant individual mandates under state law.
    • How Does Health Care Sharing Work?

      Medical cost-sharing describes the collective effort to pay Eligible medical bills. When you are a Member of a Health Care Sharing Ministry, your Monthly Contribution is used to share in other Members’ medical bills and vice versa.

    • Is OneShare Health ACA-exempt?

      Yes, our Members are eligible for an exemption from the ACA's individual mandate. OneShare Health shares the certification issued by the federal Department of Health and Human Services to its parent, OneShare International (d/b/a Anabaptist HealthShare). Effective January 1, 2019, that individual mandate is no longer enforced under federal law. You may wish to consult your legal advisor regarding any relevant individual mandates under state law.

    • Are OneShare Health Programs available in my area?

      Most likely, though there are some limitations.

      OneShare Health Programs are available nationwide, excluding the residents of NM, WA, WI, MA, MD, VT, MT, & PA. 

      For a full list of our state notices, read our Disclosures & Disclaimers.

    • Is a Health Care Sharing Program right for me?

      With the constant rising costs of health insurance and the seeming decreases in medical coverage, people can find themselves desperately looking for a feasible option. How awesome would it be if there was a great health care program with an affordable monthly cost?

      With affordable options tailored to fit your individual needs and designed to give you the freedom to choose your own doctor, OneShare Health Programs have become a popular ​option. Contact us today online or by calling (833) 550-1545 to see why so many others have switched to a Health Care Sharing Program!

    • Is OneShare Health Christian health insurance?

      No. Christian health insurance does not exist.

      Remember, OneShare Health is not health insurance. We are a Christian Health Care Sharing Ministry (HCSM), also known as a “medical cost-sharing ministry,” that facilitates the sharing of Eligible medical expenses for and through our Members.

      Since there’s no such thing as Christian health insurance, you have the option of joining a traditional health insurance plan. Contrarily, OneShare Health is an ACA-exempt option for individuals and families facing the rising cost of health care! We even offer next-day Active Dates.