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Be one of the millions of Americans who trust Health Care Sharing Ministry's with their healthcare needs:
Or click to consult with a specialist:
Christian medical sharing is an alternative to Christian health insurance. If you want to switch to a Christian health share that takes care of you, OneShare Health is here.
If you missed open enrollment this year, recently lost your job and your healthcare, just fell off your parent's healthcare, or you never had healthcare in the first place, OneShare is here for you.
Unlike other healthcare companies, we are available year-round at an affordable price. You don't have to be weighed down by expensive short-term or go without healthcare.
Cancel your health share membership and switch to OneShare Health insurance alternative. Our Christian health share will earn your trust and save you money.
If you want to cancel healthshare memberships due to lack of trust, make the switch to One Share Health insurance alternative. We’ll take care of you.
It’s time you found a Health Care Sharing Ministry that meets your expectations, your lifestyle, and your needs. We’re all in, are you?
If you want to cancel healthshare memberships and find a cheap health coverage alternative, make the switch to One Share Health. We’ll take care of you.
'Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.'
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV)
1125 Executive Circle, Suite #130
Irving, Texas, 75038
OneShare Health, LLC is not an insurance company but a religious health care sharing ministry. For our full disclosures, see for the most up to date state availability listing.
Copyright © 2023 OneShare Health, LLC, All rights reserved.